Get expert insights from Epista Life Science and Implement Consulting Group
Together, we explored the processes, challenges, and critical success factors that lead to a successful cloud-ERP implementation.
Get the Epista presentation here
Get the Implement presentation here
Read more about the presentations below:
Epista Knowledge Sharing:
Klavs Esbjerg, CEO of Epista Life Science, will explore how forced updates create new opportunities for your business, along with more of his experience:
Implement Knowledge Sharing:
Successfully apply Agile methodologies in the Life Science industry
Torsten Bech Andersson, Partner & Agile Project and Program Manager, from Implement, shared his expertise. Learn how you can combine the best of agile and waterfall methods in the Life Science industry in a hybrid methodology. You will be introduced to elements like Impact Case, Impact Solution Design, Process Driven URS creation and automated testing.