May 19, 2020

You've implemented Veeva Vault - what's next?

About the event

Do you have a plan for validation, management of your ongoing operations, and even test automation?

Time and place

May 19, 2020
3:00 pm
4:00 pm

Why you should join

Get the webinar

You’ve successfully implemented Veeva Vault. Even after utilizing many resources, selecting, and implementing a system that supports the critical success factors underlying your business, you still need a plan to guide you through times of change and ensure your company’s success into the future.

Our experience shows us that there are three key factors you must consider to continuously improve, remain compliant, and ensure optimal business benefits from your Veeva Vault:

  • How will you keep the system in a validated state throughout the challenges that may arise from forced releases?
  • How will each system upgrade impact business value and compliance? Will it require further training or dedicated in-house resources?
  • Will you use automated testing and control to ensure compliance is maintained?

Watch this presentation with two of our experts to answer these questions and learn how to ensure that your Veeva Vault and continue to ensure your company’s success.

Are you ready to keep your Veeva Vault continuously improving and always compliant? Read more about our Managed Operations services

Keynote Speakers

Christian Bohrmann

Managing Director (Germany)

Klavs Esbjerg

CEO and Founder

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